November 11, 2016  Testimony and Music to Raise Awareness of Suicide in New Bedford


July 20, 2015             The Bristol County Regional Coalition to Prevent Suicide Conference

September 27, 2015   Suicide Prevention Walk Video


September 26, 2014   Suicide Awareness Walk is Saturday


November 24, 2013   Vigil for suicide survivors

October 6, 2013         Cross-city trek emphasizes the need to prevent suicide

October 5, 2013         Hundreds show up to support Suicide Awareness in New Bedford

October 5, 2013         Hundreds Rally for Suicide Awareness in New Bedford

October 4, 2013         Our View: Suicide prevention takes the stage

October 3, 2013         Suicide Awareness Walk In New Bedford Saturday

Sept. 19, 2013            Advocates seek to prevent suicide by raising awareness

Sept. 19, 2013            Our View: The most important bill this year

July 1, 2013                Youth suicides increase in New Bedford